Driving the Entrepreneurial Revolution in Financial Planning
Let's do this. Together.
This is the real thing. Hands on, skin in the game coaching and genuine business partnerships.
From a team with a 100% proven track record in financial planning success.
your existing financial advice
business with tailored coaching
your startup financial planning
business as a TWN PARTNER
We help financial advisers start, run, manage, grow and evolve into a financial planning business.
Driving the Entrepreneurial Revolution in Financial Planning
Let's do this. Together.
This is the real thing. Hands on, skin in the game coaching and genuine business partnerships.
From a team with a 100% proven track record in financial planning success.
your existing financial advice
business with tailored coaching
your startup financial planning
business as a partner in
The Wealth Network
Start here.
Join the Entrepreneurial Revolution and become part of The Wealth Network.
What sets us apart is that our approach allows you to run a business, run a marathon, have a baby, take holidays, work from another city - all while growing your client family and your bottom line.
Tap in to a fully grown ecosystem of support. From day one you'll be able to focus on your clients more than the day-to-day job of running a business.
We lower your financial risk by offering startup capital at competitive rates and working for our equity stake. We're partners. We profit when you profit.
Benefit from regular face to face leadership from one of the best brains in the game as they integrate our super efficient management system into your business.
Up your game.
Hyper-targeted coaching to suit your needs .​
Starts Wed 8th Nov 2023 - 7.30 - 9.00PM
For Financial Planning business owners who are struggling to scale and keep on top of administration and marketing. Find more time and more profit. Our EVOLUTION MASTERCLASS takes you through the practical and necessary steps for setting your business up for peak productivity and performance.
Available for 1 day tailored training
Our coaches are available for one day or ongoing training for your financial planning business. We provide tailored training packages for your problem issues, offering practical implementation solutions like hypertarget marketing, process systemisation, offshore staffing and the TWN Management system.
I'll email you with something new twice a week.
Practical business tips
Occasional loose ramblings otherwise known as wisdom
IT'S FREE and usually helpful.